Class 8 Notes

Preliminary Class Business


LAX landing -- "city lights receding" 

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Typical database tables diagram 

cf. subway maps | cf. Scratch visual programming interface


1. Intro to Class:

Time, History, and the Archival / Archaeological in Digital Humanities


Amsterdam City Archives entrance 
Amsterdam City Archives records 
  Amsterdam City Archives display


  • The humanities as historical disciplines.




  • The "media archaeology" movement (and analogy of "book studies" or "history of the book")


Body Aboriginal Dance
Michel Foucault, "Nietzsche, Genealogy, History" [PDF]

















Konrad Zuses's Z4 computer with film strip program media


(see Andres Burbano, "Between Punched Film and the First Computers: The Work of Konrad Zuse" [2008])



3. Practicums



Readings for this Class (Instructor's Annotated Texts)